December 13, 2022

CHAI publishes the 2022 Hepatitis B Market Report

CHAI is pleased to release our Hepatitis B Market Report, which covers the latest trends in the hepatitis B diagnostic and treatment markets. This report is part of the market intelligence series that CHAI routinely publishes to highlight key updates on trends in the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) markets.

The Hepatitis B Market Report expands upon CHAI’s preliminary HBV market insights first published in August 2021  and provides an overview of the supplier landscape for World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended HBV diagnostics and treatment drugs, outlining historical supply and pricing trends while highlighting global benchmark prices.

Cover page of the 2022 Hepatitis B Market Report, click to download PDF.

Key insights include:

HBV Treatment

  • Approximately three million packs of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) singles were exported by Indian generics to low- and middle-income countries in 2021, a 150 percent increase from the previous year
  • TDF is accessed by HBV programs at one to 12 times the price accessed by HIV programs
  • Strategies like pooled procurement and alternative financing mechanisms could be used by countries to access TDF therapy at price parity with HIV programs

HBV Diagnostics

  • HBV rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) prices remain consistent at around US$1 in most high-burden countries.
  • HBV viral load pricing ranged from US$9.36-62
  • Several HBV viral load suppliers offer global access pricing from US$9-16
  • HBV viral load volumes from several major suppliers (non-exhaustive) demonstrate 315k – 484k sale volumes to select LMIC in recent years
  • Multiple suppliers offer Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg ) tests and combination rapid diagnostic tests

Financing continues to be a major barrier to the introduction and growth of HBV programs globally. In addition to countries mobilizing domestic resources to support programs, countries can explore donor investments (such as financing from Global Fund) to complement programming efforts. As countries introduce and scale triple elimination efforts for maternal and neonatal health across disease areas such as HIV, syphilis, and HBV, there is growing demand to improve service delivery through an integrated combination RDT.

Download the Report
Please note the following updates to Exhibit 12 in June 2023: OneStep HBeAg (AMS UK Ltd.) and HBeAg Rapid Test (Biopanda Reagents) do not have any regulatory approvals and should both be listed as NA.

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Webinar slides
*Please note that due to technical difficulties experienced by some speakers, the webinar agenda has changed from what’s shown in the slides.

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